Town of Morris, Shawano County, Wisconsin
In Jesus’ Name
In as much as the word of
God, Cor. 14:40, Col. 2:5 teaches that in every congregation all things shall
be done decently and in order, we, Lutherans in this community, have adopted
the following constitution in accordance with which the internal and external
affairs of the congregation shall be administered and decided.
Article I
Name of Congregation
The name of this congregation
shall be Immanuel Lutheran Church, Town of Morris, Shawano
County, Wisconsin.
Article II
Sec. I. This
congregation believes and confesses that the Holy Scripture, of the old and new Testament, are the word of God, revealed for the
salvation of man, and therefore the only source and rule of faith, doctrine and
Sec. 2, This congregation receives and holds
the Apostles, the Nicene, and the Athanasian Creed,
and also the unaltered Augsburg Confession and Luther’s small catechism; and
nothing contrary to these confessions shall be taught in the congregation.
Article III
Church Rites
The public worship of the
congregation shall be conducted in conformity with the ritual contained in the
Lutheran Hymnal as the congregation may deem advisable.
Article IV
Sec. 1. Members of
this congregation shall be those who have been received as members by the
Sec. 2. Children of
parents who are members of this congregation become members through baptism.
Article V
Congregational Meetings
The congregation has the
supreme power and authority in its own affairs.
Such power and authority shall be exercised at the congregational
meetings, which shall consist of the voting members, and whose resolutions shall
be valid when adopted at a meeting which has been legally called. (Ref. To Article II Sec. 3 of the By
Article VI
The Pastor
The congregation may call as
Pastor anyone who is duly examined, rightly called, and ordained. Interim situations may be handled by a Lay
Minister with the approval of the congregation. (Ref:
Article III of the By-Laws Sec: 2)
Article VII
Sec: 1. The
officers of the Church shall consist of President, Vice President, Treasurer,
Financial Secretary, Deacon, and Property and Grounds.
Sec. 2. To hold office
or any other position of trust in this congregation the person elected must be
at least 18 years of age, and an active member of Immanuel Lutheran Church.
Article VIII
The property of the
congregation shall not be encumbered or disposed of except by resolution
adopted at a legal meeting of the congregation.
In case of a division in the congregation all of its property shall
belong to and remain in the possession of that part of the members of the
congregation which remains faithful to this constitution.
Article IX
Denominational Membership
This congregation shall
belong to and be a member of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ
Article X
All proposed amendments to
this constitution must be presented at a Congregational meeting. If the amendment is accepted at that meeting
by a majority vote, it shall be referred to a subsequent legal meeting, held at
least six months later, when a two-thirds majority shall be required for its
final adoption.
This constitution was adopted
and corrected by the Immanuel Lutheran Church of the Town of Morris, Shawano
County, Wisconsin, at a legally called Congregational meeting.
Date adopted: September 27, 2009
Date amended: January 23,
Article I
Qualification for Membership
Any person may become a
member of this congregation by admission.
When a person desires to be admitted to membership, they shall apply to
the Pastor or to any one of the other members of the Church Council.
Article II
Congregational Meetings
Sec. 1. The
congregation shall hold an annual meeting to review the status of the affairs
of the church and also a congregation meeting for budget approval to be
scheduled in January.
Sec. 2. Special
meetings of the congregation may be held whenever it appears necessary. Such special meetings may be called for by
the Pastor, the Church Council, or by written request of five voting
members. From whichever of these sources
the call for the special meeting emanates, it shall be directed to the Church
Council who shall then cause the meeting to be announced at a public church
service, as herein prescribed.
Sec. 3. All
congregational meetings shall be announced at each of the two weeks prior to
the scheduled meeting; by both verbal announcements in the church service and
written in the bulletin.
Sec. 4. Any general
business concerning the affairs of the congregation may be transacted at any
congregational meeting, but the main subject to be acted upon at special
meetings shall be briefly stated at the time the call for the meeting is
Sec. 5. Any member
eligible to vote at a congregational meeting may be elected to preside at the
meeting; such presiding office shall be addressed as Chairperson.
Sec. 6. 10% of the
membership who are eligible to vote and legally assembled for a congregational
meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. 7. Simple
majority vote shall govern on all questions, except where it is specifically
stated that a larger majority is required.
Sec. 8. Unless the
meeting decides to vote on a question by answering to a roll call, or to vote
by ballot, all voting shall be by acclamation.
Sec. 9. Nominating
committee shall be elected at the annual meeting. Nominating committee shall select a minimum
of one candidate for each position. (ref: Article 7 of the constitution)
Sec. 10. The following
order of procedure shall govern at all congregational meetings:
Election of
Roll Call
Reading and
adoption of minutes of previous meeting
Reports of
Reports of
New Business
Recognition of
Closing prayer
Sec. 1. To select a Pastor a call committee of 3 persons
shall be appointed by the church counsel.
Sec. 2. The call committee will select a chairperson.
Sec. 3. The call committee will look for available Pastors
through whatever means are available and duly examine candidates through interviews
to select a Pastor to be the best fit for our congregation.
Sec. 4. The call committee shall present to the congregation
at a congregational meeting their recommendation for Pastor for a vote. There
must be a two-thirds majority vote of members present to be approved.
Sec. 5. A written call is then issued to the Pastor with
specific considerations.
Sec. 6. The Pastor shall be a non-voting member of the church
Church Secretary
Sec. 1. It shall be
the responsibility of the Church Secretary to prepare bulletins, preserve the
archives of the church, and assist the Pastor and other secretarial duties as
Article V
Church Council
Sec.1. the Church Council
shall consist of six members plus the Pastor and the Church Secretary who are
non-voting members.
Sec. 2. The officers of the Church are made up of Council
members elected by said Council to fill the positions of: President, Vice
President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Deacon, and Property and Grounds.
(Ref. Article’s V, VII- X), and VI of the By Laws)
Sec. 3. Two members of the council shall be elected each year
for a three year term by the Congregation at the annual meeting.
Sec. 4. Council members must be at least 18 years of age and
an active member of the Congregation.
Sec. 5. The church Council shall watch over the spiritual
condition of the congregation as well as the physical condition of the property
and grounds.
Sec. 6. The Church council has the authority to make
decisions on behalf of the Congregation.
Sec.7. The
Church Council may hold meetings whenever they deem it necessary to do so, but
are required to meet at least once per quarter.
Property and Grounds
Sec. 1. The Property
and Grounds shall consist of one member, elected by the council for a three year term. This person is the lead person
who may call upon congregation members for assistance, for a building and
grounds committee.
Sec. 2. The Property
and Grounds person shall have charge of Property and Grounds of the congregation,
and have general supervision of all its property, and shall take precautionary
measures to conserve that property.
Sec. 3. Except in
emergencies, the Property and Grounds person shall have no authority to
undertake anything that will involve the congregation in obligations, unless
such undertaking has been authorized by act of the congregation, its
Constitution or By-Laws.
Sec. 1. The President
of the Congregation shall be elected by the
council for a one year term and is eligible to serve a second consecutive term
after which one year must separate another term.
Sec. 2. The duties of
the president shall be to schedule, coordinate, and conduct council meetings,
and have the ultimate responsibility that someone has followed thru with the
actions decided by the council and or the congregation.
Vice President
Sec. 1. The Vice
President of the Congregation shall be elected by
the council for a one year term and is eligible to serve a second consecutive
term after which one year must separate another term.
Sec. 2. The duties of
the vice president shall be to assist the president and fill in for the
president as needed. The vice president
shall be responsible for coordinating the ushers.
Church Council
Sec. 1. A Deacon is a council person who will assist the
pastor and congregational president when called upon, in the coordination and
execution of general and miscellaneous administrative tasks, which the Pastor
or congregational president may require assistance.
Article X
Sec. 1. The treasure shall be elected by the church council.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep a complete record of the
financial status of the congregation; to receive all money and other valuables
paid into the congregation treasury and disburse in accordance with the
Resolutions and By- Laws of the church.
Sec. 2. The Treasurer
shall submit a printed report at the annual meeting of the congregation of
receipts and disbursements during the last fiscal year.
Sec. 3. The Treasurer
shall abstain from voting on all financial matters.
Sec. 4 An audit shall be
conducted annually by the two designated members of the congregation.
Financial Secretary
Sec. 1. One financial Secretary
shall be elected by the church council.
Sec. 2. Financial
Secretary shall keep record of contributions of individual members.
Sec. 3. An audit shall
be conducted annually by the two designated members of the congregation.
Sec. 4. All receipts shall be counted each week by two
members of the church council and the financial secretary or the president of
the congregation if the financial secretary is unable to be present.
Board of Education
Sec. 1. Board of
Education shall consist of two members elected by the congregation at the
annual meeting. One to be elected each
year for a period of two years
Sec. 2. The Board of Education shall over see the teachings
of the Church Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and all other teachings.
Sec. 3. The Board of Education shall give a report at the
annual meeting explaining the teachings and finances.
Other Church Organizations
Sec. 1. Any church organization within Immanuel Lutheran
Church shall give an annual report at the annual meeting summarizing their
activities of the past year and provide for the congregation a financial report
as to their financial status.
Two people shall be elected
by the congregation to attend the annual meeting
of the Lutheran Congregation for Mission in Christ (LCMC).
Discharge or Removal of Officers
Sec. 1. Any officer
whose official conduct and acts are unsatisfactory to the congregation may be
asked to resign, and if he or she refuses to comply with the request they may be dismissed by a simple majority vote of the
members present at a congregational meeting.
Sec. 2. If for any
reason the work of the Pastor is unsatisfactory and that for obvious reasons it
cannot be expected that he or she can continue to perform the ministerial
duties in the congregation he or she may be asked to resign. If the Pastor fails to tender his or her
resignation he or she may be deposed or removed from the pastorate of the congregation. To remove the Pastor from office a two-thirds
vote of the members present at the congregational meeting is required. Resignation of the Pastor will not take
practical effect until 30 days after the resignation is tendered. The removal from office of the Pastor by the
congregation becomes effective after 30 days.
Sec. 1. A committee of two (a sexton and an assistant) shall
be appointed by the Council for an indefinite period of time, who shall keep
the records of cemetery lots and assign lots and assist families of the
deceased to establish grave boundaries.
Sec. 2. The cemetery shall be well kept. The maintenance of
the cemetery shall be paid for out of the cemetery fund.
Sec. 3. The Sexton shall be responsible for the management of
the cemetery fund and shall submit a financial report at the annual meeting.
Sec. 4. An audit shall be conducted annually by two members
designated at the annual meeting.
Sec. 5. A janitor and/or Caretaker may be hired by the Church
Council and the wages and the duties shall be determined by the Council.
All proposed amendment to
these By-Laws must be presented at a Congregational meeting. If the amendment
is accepted at that meeting by a majority vote, it shall be referred to a
subsequent legally called meeting, held at least six months later, when a
two-thirds majority shall be required for its final adoption.
Date adopted: September 27, 2009
Date amended: January 23,