Immanuel Church Council Minutes

March 2, 2025


The meeting was called to order at 9:05a.m.   Pastor Keyes opened with prayer.   Present were Pastor Keyes, Donna Lehman, Cathy Jensen, Michelle Maas, Amy Minniecheske and Tom Watters.


With no additions or corrections to the February Secretary’s Report, the minutes stand as read.


With no additions or corrections to the Treasurer’s Report, the report stands as presented, subject to audit.

General Fund:  $23,357.41

Mission Fund:  $206.57

Sunday School:  $1,100.94


Old Business:  

1.      Basket raffle items should be brought to the Tigerton Community Center by Friday before the Soup Supper.


New Business:  

1.      The fire extinguishers should be checked every year.  Our’s has not been checked since 2023.

2.      Lois suggested that we look into a professional Bug Blaster for inside and outside the church.  Lois will check prices.

3.      Brotherhood Mutual has changed the deductible for our church property from $1,000 to $2,500.


A motion was made by Lois to adjourn, seconded by Tom.  Motion carried.  We adjourned at 9:35a.m.a.m.  We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Minniecheske